Author: yyq09 (Page 2 of 2)

Module 2 Learning Activity: Social Annotation Reflection

I can learn a lot from the way this article is read. Because I am reading the article, while the article I agree with or disagree with the point of view put forward their own ideas and views. In this way, I will have a deeper understanding and idea of this article. It’s like I had a hand in writing this article. I choose Learning Activity: Social Annotation because I want to have a better understanding of the impact of online learning on people. The reading of this article makes me have a better understanding of online learning, and it also makes me deeply realize that online learning is a great opportunity for many people who are unable to learn for different reasons. So that they can learn more knowledge that they are interested in.

Module 1 Learning Activity: The History of Distance, Distributed & Open Learning

The reason I chose to study the development of distance, distributed and open learning was because I wanted to understand this history. In this way, I can better understand the impact and change of distance learning on people’s lives. And I have a better understanding of how difficult it is to be able to learn remotely now. In this lesson my learning goal is to understand multimedia and information network. This project made me understand the development and history of information technology. That would be a step closer to my goal in this lecture. From this research, I have learned that the development of every project is subject to trial and improvement. In this way, our society and life will make progress.

Learner Profile



I chose the course EDCI339 for two reasons. The first reason was that I needed to take a prerequisite class to get credit for it. The second reason was the desire to meet more students. I wanted to learn and get a feel for the use of multimedia in this class. I am a person who does not like to use multimedia to express myself. I hope this class will give me a taste of multimedia. I am a junior economics major. I am interested in learning the fascination of using language. I think language is a wonderful thing, when you say one word, maybe this word can change a person’s idea and impression of you. In my free time, I prefer to taste food, travel and read novels. I am a person who likes to travel to different places and taste the local food. Food is a microcosm of a region’s culture and history. And food has the magical power to heal the heart. When I eat food, I feel the pleasure of my body and mind. It makes me forget my worries. I think group study is a good thing. I like the idea of people in a team doing their own jobs and working together to accomplish tasks. Group learning is beneficial for me. I can hear different ideas and feelings in the discussion with the group members, which is also a kind of progress and development of ideas for me.

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